
The coloured scarfes and ribbons

  We present here the scarfes used by some sodalities around the world. (Quintas Quessongo, Angola)   Greetings, Congregated Brothers. Today I share with you photographs of Our Marian Congregations in Angola. These belong to the south of Angola, specifically in the Diocese of Namibe, a province in the south of Angola. As you can see in the images, the young people gathered here use the scarf as a symbol of their commitment to Mother Beloved, Virgin Mary. These Symbols differentiate between blue for young congregants and green for beginners, that is, aspirants. Ribbons with the medal are only given to the elderly, especially those who are already married. There are young Congregates who also receive a ribbon, but it is rare, only in cases where the young man is married and has a certain reputation and maturity.                     (Thomas Murphy, Ireland)  We also have green ribbons for aspirants and blue ribb...

The Little Badge

  Excerpts of the post  presented by Alexandre Martins (Brazilian sodalist) at the blog "Apologeta Mariano". "In the fervor of the early twentieth century, the sodalities of Our Lady propagated due to various reasons. And, as an army of Mary, felt the natural need for increased organization. How to show the world the sodalities of Our Lady through just a symbol? It was the time of the Nazi swastika, the hammer and sickle of co mmunism, the sigma of the Integralists … sodalities of Our Lady could not shut up. The Brazilian badge [1] emerged in Rio de Janeiro (RJ) in the 1920s by drawing a carioca Marian Sodalist. How are Sodalists Marian Mary Queen of soldiers, knights are also hers. It is only natural that the format was a medieval shield. Was topped by three points, symbolizing the three cardinal virtues. Format gave his nickname by locals: the “ escudinho ” (the Little Badge). (...) In 1953 was founded in Rome the World Federation of sodalities of Our Lady. The Po...

Special Sodality of Our Lady Radio Hour

Message from the Irish Marian congregate Thomas Murphy.  There will be a special  Sodality of Our Lady Radio Hour this even at 8 p.m. (Irish Time) as usual, with meditations upon the Seven Last Words of Our Lord. Please feel free to share a positive comment about it with Radio Maria: WhatsApp +353 89 4672000

Our Lady congregates from all around the world

We've just started a international whatsapp group for Marian congregates! (also known as 'Our Lady sodalists')  We will present, in the next posts of this blog, messages there published. This group  was born, in the first place, from the desire to gather informally, at a world level, members of the different Marian congregations dispersed throughout the world. That communion had been possible with the World Federation, which however was suppressed in 1982, being renamed as " World Community " . From that time on, we were (in practical terms) restricted to national circles. Nowadays, however, with the availability of so many real-time interactive social resources, it is already possible for us to congregate on a global scale. That's how, in November/2019, we met the sodalist Thomas Murphy, from Ireland, who presents the program " Sodality of Hour Lady Radio Hour " , on Radio Maria Ireland (see the respective podcasts page ). Our whatsapp conversat...

South America

Colombia Congregación Mariana de Medellín Congregación Mariana de Bucaramanga Brazil Confederação Nacional das Congregações Marianas do Brasil the union of all the Sodalities of Our Lady (Congregações Marianas) of Brazil, support by the National Conference of Bishops Federação das Congregações Marianas – Diocese de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, ES brings the Sodalities of a Diocesis   Congregação Mariana Sede da Sabedoria – São Gonçalo, RJ Congregação Mariana da Anunciação – Santos, SP Congregação Mariana da Paróquia do Imaculado Coração – Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ Congregação Mariana da Paróquia do Patronato – São Gonçalo, RJ Congregação Mariana da Imaculada Conceição – Manaus, AM  

North America

  USA The Archdiocese of Washington Sodality Union bri ngs various sodalities of the Archdiocese of Washington DC   ACU – Agrupación Católica Universitaria One Sodality with various chapters in Miami, Atlanta, Orlando, Puerto Rico and Washington DC   Sodality of The College of Saint Mary Magdalen – New Hampshire Sodality of Our Lady – Illinois St. Gabriel’s Sodality – Washington DC St. Michael’s Academy: The Sodality of the Blessed Virgin – Washington Alumni Sodality of Canisius College – Buffalo, NY Sodality of the St. Joseph Catholic Church, Largo, MD Virgin Mary Sodality – Saint Polycarp Church, DE Sodality | St. Mary’s Catholic Church | Rockville, MD Our Lady of Assumption Sodality – Phoenix, AZ Sodality of Our Lady of Fatima – Our Lady of Fatima Parish Sodality Our Lady of the Wayside – Shrine of St. Jude Catholic Church – Rockville, ...

Middle East

  Lebanon National Secretariate of Sodalities